Child Support Services Offers Amnesty To Parents With Warrants

An new initiative could relieve active bench warrants for parents who owe past-due child support, according to a news release.

Through the Child Support Services’ Amnesty in August initiative, noncustodial parents can work with their local CSS office and the court to have their warrants recalled, therefore removing the threat of arrest while improving the opportunity for parents to support their children. According to the news release, Oklahoma has 11,684 parents owing past-due child support with active bench warrants for failing to appear at a court hearing.

Throughout the month of August, these noncustodial parents can work with their local Child Support Services (CSS) office and the court to have their warrants recalled, not only removing the threat of arrest but also improving the opportunity to support their children in an initiative called Amnesty in August.

“Amnesty in August is an opportunity for Oklahoma parents who have fallen behind on child support to come in and work with us to get back on track,” said Meg Cannon, a spokesperson for CSS.

“Parents who seek our assistance in August have an opportunity to develop a payment plan that will help them move forward with their obligations and hopefully create stronger connections with their children.”

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