The Drama Behind Separation: Starring: Brad and Angelina

(Sources: CNN/Econotimes )Brangelina’s breakup over what Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie call “irreconcilable differences” may have been heartbreaking to a lot of the ex-couple’s fans. But even with such shocking news, the couple has always been congenial about each other regarding the state of their previous relationship, with Jolie even talking about Pitt as a wonderful father on multiple occasions after their divorce.

Lately, a rumor has been circling that Angelina Jolie has been using a “Dirt Diary” on Brad Pitt as revenge for all sorts of reasons the internet can come up with.

This recent unearthing of “Bad Brad” stories may be related to the recent news that Angelina Jolie had received a court order increasing the scope of Brad Pitt’s custody of his and Jolie’s children.

According to a court order obtained by CNN and issued last week, Jolie is required to tell their children that the “court has determined that not having a relationship with their father is harmful to them,” that they are “safe with their father,” and that having a healthy relationship with both parents is “critical.”
Pitt and Jolie have three sons and three daughters, ages 16 and under.

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt’s custody dispute over their six children continues more than 20 months after filing for divorce.

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